Look what I’ve got!

18 Feb

It’s not been a great half term, what with poorly children and general grumpiness but every cloud has a silver lining or so I’m told.  Tobit was away in London for a night and stayed at my youngest brothers as he usually does when in London.  I always feel slightly envious especially when I hear that he cooked a roast dinner for a group of them and they had grown up discussions without children interrupting.  Anyway it reminded me that there is the small matter of the Fat Quarterly Community Retreat in June that hadn’t been fully discussed or agreed upon!

So, on Tobit’s return I found time late at night to broach the subject again and came to the conclusion that yes I could go, he would be fine with all children for the weekend.  Please don’t think that he’s an ogre who would say no, the problem is with me, I’ve only been away from the children over night once and then we only had Bethan!  I know he is more than capable but…nothing really, I didn’t have any excuses for not going, I’d got the money saved up…so on Thursday morning I went on line and purchased my ticket!  Oh yes I am so excited, in some ways June can’t come soon enough!

It’s quite possible that you have no idea what I’m talking about!  If you sew and you’d like to spend a weekend with others sewing, attending tutorials and lots of other fabric, sewing related things then this is the place to be!  It’s on the bank holiday weekend in June, you can buy a weekend ticket or just a day one if you can’t make both days.  If you’re interested click on the link above and find out more.  If you have a ticket, then join the Flickr group set up for those of going so we can make plans for the weekend now!

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