Back in July end of term was fast approaching and with one child left at primary school there were less gifts to be made. M’s teacher this year is a bit of a Star Wars fan (or at least we think he is) so the obvious gift was to make him something using one of Quiet Plays’ amazing patterns. I’ve previously made these Star Wars items:

BB8 for Sam

and an X-Wing for a different Sam
I asked M what he thought we should make and he decided on the Millennium Falcon. This is what it looked like at the beginning of the quarter:

Before too long it was turned into a cushion:

I’d recently done some walking foot quilting that Sarah Ashford taught at guild and I started to do a curved design on this but the patterns on the fabric made it too complicated for my eyes so I gave up, unpicked and went with straight lines.

All the fabrics I used were from my scraps box.

As is pretty much the norm for my I did a zippered back; I like the tidiness of it over an envelope which can be a bit gapey.

This is now in it’s new home; teacher was delighted and I’m glad to have another tick off my list.
Great gift, it will last a lot longer than a coffee gift card 🙂
Congrats on the finish! Such a lovely gift! On behalf of the entire FAL crew, thanks for participating!