
23 Mar

It’s been a while since I posted here, we’ve been quite busy. The back of our house now looks like this:

Yes, it is cold but we do have the joy of a wood burning stove, so sometimes we cook dinner like this:

Other nights we use the camping stove in our ‘new’ kitchen (aka Bethans old bedroom).

Yesterday we celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary by going out for dinner, to somewhere warmer with an oven!  If you’re local or even if you’re not I can highly recommend Belgreen.  They serve tea and cake most of the week and only open in the evenings occasionally – it just happened that it was a special Italian evening last night, after delicious antipasti I had Pizza bianca – gorgonzola, rosemary and red onion, truly fantastic.

And sewing? yes there has been some of that but I’m not ready to show you yet.
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5 Replies to “Progress?

  1. Oh wow! It’s so hard doing simple stuff when you’re house is all torn apart. Sounds like you still managed to have a nice anniversary 🙂

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