We’ve not been in the best of health this holiday and on New Years eve the rain poured down and we (I) opted to stay inside. Wonderfully my husband came home early from work so I had some time to myself while the children were occupied. I had a quick skim read through my Google reader and came across this post. I’m not really one for signing up for much, I’d rather sew as the mood takes me, I’ve joined in a few sew alongs but have opted out when it’s been too much. Anyway this Block of the month (BoM) appealed to me and Kristy had just posted January’s block (she’s in Australia so was already in January) so I decided to give it a go.
I printed off the document (free on Craftsy until the end of January) and discovered that there was very little ink left in the printer, but I could just make out the lines so I drew over them with a ruler so I could see to sew accurately.
I’ve done a little bit of paper piecing before but am no expert. I pulled fabric and got sewing, it worked well until I realised that the tape measure was not centred enough (for my liking) so I unpicked 2 seams (no easy task when using small stitches and paper). I then sewed a piece on back to front and had to unpick that too! But I had it finished before the children’s dinner time:
The block is called ‘Measure Twice’ and my measuring on this was fine, just a shame about the pattern placement!
So if you fancy some paper piecing why not head on over to Kristy’s, she’s even written a simple tutorial for this block if you are new to this technique.
Lol, oh dear, so much for a peaceful day sewing! Still, glad you wrangled it into submission in the end!
It looks great!
I’ve downloaded that pattern too, but I’ll now make sure I check the tape measure placement !!
I’ve also just seen the Pretty in Patchwork button in your side bar….I’m off to have a peek!!
I am doing Elizabeth’s Stars this year, and know for sure there will be unpicking!!
Your block turned out beautifully! Glad to have you joining along with the BoM!
If it makes you feel any better, even with paper piecing for awhile now, I still have moments when I sew things on in the wrong place, back to front, wrong fabrics, you name it, I’ve done it hehe!!