Christmas Quilt finish – ALYoF

29 Nov

Yes you read that right and it’s not even December yet!

So at the beginning of November I set my goal for the month to piece a Christmas Swoon quilt top.

Despite having a fairly stressful month with a child’s birthday and a brief hospital stay with a child with a head injury I managed to get in some sewing time.  It was helped by a dedicated morning of sewing with a couple of friends and soon the top was pieced:


My goal was to make the top but I’ve realised that often I like to get on and finish a project once I’ve started.  I’d already bought the backing fabric and had it washed and ready.

Christmas Swoon - detail

I basted the quilt and started quilting; then I discovered after about 6 lines of quilting that the backing had moved and so the unpicking began (it takes far longer to unpick that you ever imagine).  I had basted with approx 300 pins but they didn’t seem to do the trick.

Christmas Swoon - detail

So I started all over again, believe it or not I had the same problem.  To say I was frustrated was an understatement!

Christmas Swoon - detail

I did some research and asked the lovely folks of IG.  After all the unpicking I started a 3rd time.  This time I spray starched the backing and use a bit of spray baste as well as all the pins.

Christmas Swoon - detail

I opted to quilt in straight lines approx 4″ apart and only in one direction.  I originally had plans to quilt in a grid but after the first 2 attempts I was desperate to have it finished and the thought of what problems I might encounter if I tried more quilting put me right off!  You can see from this photo that the back isn’t perfect but it is finished and not a disaster:

Christmas Swoon - back

Compared to the quilting the binding was a piece of cake!

Christmas Swoon - binding detail

I earmarked this print for the binding when I pulled the fabric for the quilt and it works wonderfully:

Christmas Swoon - binding detail

I am delighted with the quilt top, the backing is soft and snuggly and the finished quilt is already on the sofa ready for the cold weather. We are unlikely to have sufficient snow to ever have a really wintery photo so this more autumnal one will have to do:

Christmas Swoon

Quilt Stats:

Pattern – Traditionally know as a Carpenters Star block, more commonly known as Swoon.
Fabrics – all from my stash, including from a Christmas charm swap and low volume swap.
Binding – Red Sugar Stripe from Sugar and Spice by Quilted Fish for Riley Blake
Backing – Stars on red from the Sasparilla by October Afternoon for Riley Blake
Wadding – Super-Soft 70/30 Eco-Blend by Sew Simple
Quilting – straight lines 4″ from top to bottom
Size – Approx 72″ x 72″

Thanks to Tobit for the photographs.  I’m linking up with:

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10 Replies to “Christmas Quilt finish – ALYoF

  1. beautiful quilt, I made one of my sons and his wife a queen size one, but I wreaked it when I tried to quilt it, I could see beautiful feathers on it but I could not make it happen, so I had to give it to them with an I own you another one, I worked so hard on it, but I could not not give it to them because on the other side was the art work I had been having the kids color on muslin when mommy and daddy were not around,. GOD please.

  2. This is a beautiful quilt. I love the scrappy colours, and the turquoise with red and lights is stunning. Now I want one too. I am sorry to hear of your basting woes, and glad you managed to find a solution.

  3. This is totally beautiful and worth all the angst and effort! I always spray baste now, makes the quilting process so much easier. A walking foot (or IDT if you have a Pfaff) will also ease that ‘travelling’ of fabric. Hope your next quilting experience is much smoother! Jxo

  4. Beautiful as always x I really like the backing fabric – I think I might look for some to put on the back of the new cover I’m planning for my nursing cushion ;0) (perfect fit btw). I’ve only backed one quilt with flannel and it was so snugly I almost kept it for myself. Pity it had someone else’s baby’s name on it…..

  5. Pingback: A quick baby quilt | mary emmens

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