Oh My Stars it’s finished!

23 Apr

Yes that’s right it is done!


Thanks to Rachel for hosting a Virtual Sew Day last weekend, I got the quilting done.  On Monday the children weren’t back at school but Tobit was on leave from his normal job so I took advantage and got the binding sewn on.  For the first time and encouraged by Rachel I tried machine binding and I must say was quite delighted with the result!  I used Rita’s tutorial and it mostly worked a treat.  I was in a bit of a dither about it as I quite enjoy hand sewing the binding, especially after hours sat at the machine but I knew I had lots of other things I want to sew so speed won.  AND the quilt was bound by the end of the day, washed and dried by the end of the next and on Leah’s bed!

We took it for an outing to the park on Saturday, the forecast for the morning was sunshine, with rain for the rest of the day so we grabbed the sunshine while we could.  It’s April and we’ve had showers of rain and hail in abundance this week!

Tobit decided that he’d like some photo’s of all three children together before we started a quilt photo shoot! If you have small children you will know it is impossible to get a photograph of all of them looking at the camera, smiling, eyes open at the same time, but surely that is the beauty of it?

Children on the oak seat

So the sun may have shone but the wind was out in force:

Oh My Stars finished quilt

So I’ll be back another day with a proper quilt finish post when I’ve got some better photographs!

In other news the name tag was well received by Hadley, so you can now see it too:

FQ Retreat name tag

I’d had a good look at her likes and dislikes on her flickr profile and fortunately had some fabrics and colours that were on her ‘loves’ list.  Flying Blind On A Rocket Cycle is her blog title and flickr name, and pretty cool so I wanted to include that, I stamped that on with only just enough space.  Hadley had selvedges on her ‘love’ list too, so I dug out my bag of them and started trying to work out if I could spell her name out of them.  To be honest it would have made life much easier if her name had been ‘Amy’ or ‘Riley’!  But I did some cutting and stitching (it was pretty fiddly believe me!) and made her name.  I’m not an expert on selvedges but I certainly am now clear about ‘who’ makes a good one and who doesn’t (for the selfish purposes of my reuse of course!).

Right today is a sewing day with Emily so I’d better post this and get ready!

Linking up with:

Sew Happy Geek

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9 Replies to “Oh My Stars it’s finished!

  1. Yay, well done. As for the pics, I do believe they say ‘Never work with children and animals’ for a reason. Just sayin’… 😉

  2. Pingback: Aprils' projects | mary emmens

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