Sample swaps for FQ Retreat…

30 May

This morning we had a a pre 6am wake up call from a small boy demanding ‘my cup, my cup’, fairly soon after followed by a sister claiming “I’m not tired” so rather than lie in bed and be irritated by 2 small children talking, kicking, wriggling and squabbling I went downstairs and got to work. Yep that is how much pressure I’m under, ask Tobit how keen I usually am to get out of bed in the morning and I’m sure he’ll tell you that 6am is a early start!

So yesterday I got to work on sample swaps, this morning I finished them – big, fat hurrah!

Selvedge brooches for sample swap

Sample swap brooch

Sample swap brooch

Sample swap brooch

Sample swap brooch

Sample swap brooch

Don’t panic I do know that I only need to make 4 – once I get into the rhythm of making them it’s easy to make more, truth be told I made one a few weeks ago as a trial and so could have just make 3 this time, but I didn’t.

So I have a spare, I also have some none selvedge ones from stock that I could bring for ‘private’ swaps… let me know if you’re interested or seek me out at the weekend!

On to labelling 5 quilts for Siblings Together ready for a photo shoot.

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9 Replies to “Sample swaps for FQ Retreat…

  1. love these flowers and the beautiful fabrics you’ve used …. would like to have a go at making one myself, do you have a tutorial?

  2. Oooh I love your flowers Mary. Well done you for getting on with them so early. I have to say it is easier to get up earlier these lighter mornings. Don’t know about you, but I actually find it hard to sleep, especially whilst its been so hot.

    Please post lots of piccies when you get back from your retreat and ENJOY, ENJOY, ENJOY xxx

  3. your flowers are sweet!!! you could use them to embellish anything! magnets, use on lamps or mirrors. how fun! would love to learn how to make them 🙂

  4. Love your flowers, great idea for a swap. I some some cute metal flowers in the Sundance catalogue and hoarded some tins to experiment with but I never thought I making fabric ones! Tins out and I’ll think about fabric flowers. Enjoy your retreat, it sounds wonderful.

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