May’s fabric finds and a celebration

5 Jun

I’m struggling to find the words and energy to write about the fantastic weekend I had in London at the FQ Retreat, so for now you can enjoy the treasure I found during May:

May's fabric finds

All vintage finds except for the last one, I found it at the car boot, a metre of a Timeless Treasures print but no more information on the selvedge!

To celebrate a whole lot of new prints (some of which have already made it into charm packs) this week until Saturday at 8pm (UK time) you can get 10% off in my Etsy store using the code NPR0612.

I hope to be back soon with a coherent round up of the weekend (but don’t hold your breath).

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5 Replies to “May’s fabric finds and a celebration

  1. I’m not long home, and yeah, that round up is going to have to wait a while! Fab to meet you though 😀

  2. Have you put £1 in your purse yet? Hadley lost 44p out the bottom of hers!! Was such a hoot of a weekend xox

  3. It was so fantastic to meet you, Miss Mary! I had a great time chatting and getting to know you a bit better 🙂

  4. Mary, it was brilliant to meet you. My only regret from the weekend was I went into overdrive and I did not have proper conversations. I do hope I manage better next year and calm down a little!! Hope we meet up again.

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