Commission: Kindle case

14 Jan

Well, thankfully the week got better as everyone’s health improved and I found time, space and energy to sew!

I mentioned that I had a commission to work on, someone had received a kindle at Christmas and was in want/need of a case for it in purple.  Amazingly I didn’t have any purple in my collection so I had a lovely time searching for purple fabrics to suggest.  Once the fabric was chosen I order a bundle of the other fabrics from the range just in case…

Tobi had very kindly made a kindle template from plywood for me to work with, measurements are good but it is nice to place the gadget inside (even if it’s not the real thing!) once the piece of work is finished so that I know it fits just right!

With L at preschool all day on Tuesday I spent some time drawing up a template and checking measurements (can’t have been that long though because I still had the toddling boy at home!) and then yesterday I sewed it all up and it’s been photographed, wrapped and posted to (I hope) a happy customer!  I’m really pleaesd with the result and am thinking of making a few more to put in my shop…

I sometimes struggle to find the right buttons which I guess is why I end up making my own but I got lucky with these, I wasn’t sure in the shop but on the finished article I think they are just great.

So I now have some purple fabric in my stash and a query this morning about brooches, think there might be some purple ones in the pipeline!

We’re off to visit some lovely friends in Cornwall for the weekend, I’ve got plans to spend the journey business planning!

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