I’ve got an event coming up in a couple of weeks and am starting to get my head in gear for what I might need to make for it. So, I went up into our loft to have a root through the bags of fabric up there. I have most some of my fabric in cupboards in our dining room, that’s the stuff I need regular access to. The stuff in the loft is: a huge bin liner of denim offcuts (mostly pockets and flies!), lace and silk left from my wedding dress, clothes we’ve grown out of/don’t wear anymore but I can’t bring myself to throw away as the fabric could be useful, fabric from my mother-in-law mostly not cotton and not that suitable but you never know, a few pieces of heavier weight cotton that my youngest brother dyed when he was working in a hat factory – I got that out with a plan in mind and then I found this:
I must have made it once upon a time. I can’t remember when, certainly before children. I know it’s a pattern from the book Little Clothes for Little People by Lia Van Steenderen (published 1987). The book was given to me many, many years ago by a friend who had bought it when her children were small but she never made anything from it, I made a few things from it for my niece and then leant it to another friend who was having a baby and she never returned it (don’t you just hate that?). When we had our own children I remembered the book and bought a second hand copy off Amazon but have not used it (yet)! So, I guess I made this in the late 90’s and it’s been packed away ever since! It needs a popper/button or something where the jacket closes by the arm (which is maybe why it was never gifted to anyone!) But it is gorgeous in a lovely soft corduroy (from a bag of hand-me-down fabrics) beautifully – if I say so myself – hand finished with a yellow binding. I’ll stitch something on to close it and gift to a gorgeous baby somewhere – any requests?
So what undiscovered treasures do you have in your loft? Go and look you might be pleasantly surprised.
How lovely, love a rummage in my loft, we have so much stuff up there as I am a hoarder. I know I have a whole load of Cornishware up there that my mother in law wanted rid of that I put in a box when we moved about 11 years ago and didn’t bother unpacking!