Hope you mums all had a great day, we had fun despite one poorly child!
We had a Mothers Day Park.Life.Heavitree event so had to be up and organised and out of the house by 9.30, well Tobi did with B, I stayed in with the vomiting one and toddling boy. Tobi came back when things were set up and I walked to the park with the boy and drank tea, ate cake (baked by men) and chatted with lots of lovely people who had come out in the sun (and a bit of rain) to enjoy a spring morning with craft activities for the children to make for mum.
In the afternoon we went off to Topsham to the Craft Hubs Birdsong and Blossom fair it was great to have a browse around and look at what other people are creating, the girls are now proud wearers of gorgeous new head bands made by Penny Delahoyde. I also with great delight saw that someone we know from children’s art activities in the park had a stall there, I was so excited. Kat makes beautiful origami flowers, go and have a look at her site here, especially if you’re planning a wedding and want a ‘green’ alternative to cut flowers, they are amazing. Kat is also running some workshops, one for children next week here and one for adults (in the pub!) here. Think I might have to wait until my girls are a bit bigger before they go to one of these!