I’ve not yet bought this months copy of Sew Hip but there is an article on Dress a Girl Around the World in it. Louise over at Sew Scrumptious has been inspired by this and is keen to encourage anyone and everyone to make dresses, so if you didn’t take part in the Sew-along that I joined in with last month but you feel inspired to sew then please do. Louise has volunteered to co-ordinate and you can send dresses to her and she will collect them all and send them on (visit her blog and leave a comment or contact her for her mailing address).
In the loft this morning I found some old dresses from my mum that have got enough fabric in them for a couple of pillowcase dresses so when I have a spare moment…
Thanks so much for the link. I am totally inspired by what you have already done! Can’t wait to start making one and see what other people send!! Thanks again. x