1st birthday gift

31 Jul

One of my nieces celebrated her first birthday in July, I was umming and ahhing over what to make for her. I made this:

Fabric ball

It’s cute but I wasn’t convinced about it’s suitability for a 1st birthday gift, maybe as a set of 3 it would work but I didn’t have the energy to make 3!

Then at last I remembered that I had made her sisters name out of letters for her first Christmas and gifted her some bunting for her first birthday:

Letter shapes bunting - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - GIFTED

Can’t quite believe I just found that photo, if I’d bothered to hunt for it I could have made letters in similar fabric, instead I made these:


So these can be added to the bunting when celebrating her birthday for years to come and I believe that for the rest of the year they are up on her bedroom door.

I’ve a nephew with a first birthday coming up next month so I’ll see what inspires me for that, have you got any suggestions?

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2 Replies to “1st birthday gift

  1. Ahhh! the letters to add her name are such a great idea. We have a happy birthday bunting too, we hang every time we celebrate one. I may borrow your idea one of these days.

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