So I’ve been absent from here for a bit, lots to catch up on but most of it can wait until I have time and peace and quiet to write.
I’ve been busy making Christmas gifts and here is one I’m quite pleased with:
Ok maybe in that picture it doesn’t look that impressive. They are marshmallow squares, a special Christmas edition with Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis), loved by my children especially with edible disco shimmer on top.
The question arose as to what to give my eldest brother for Christmas, he is not the man who has everything, more the man who is satisfied with what he has. So the girls and I made some marshmallow squares and some rocky road to give to him (yes he likes cakes and biscuits).
Rather than present them in a cellophane bag or plastic tub I pulled out a box that I’d put aside for such an occasion. Using the Inside-Out Box from the Ruby Star Wrapping book as inspiration I turned the box inside out and stuck it back together. However I’m sure you’ll agree that a grey/brown cardboard box isn’t that exciting.
The other dilemma I had was that the sticky tape had been removed from it’s home and no one knew where it was (I have my suspicions). What else to do but make my own tape? I pulled out a rather delicious red and white gingham sheet and cut strips from it and then stuck these onto double sided sticky tape, creating some festive looking tape, which I then stuck to the box (and all other gifts that needed tape!):
What I particularly like about this box (Geobars) is that it has a viewing window so you can peek at what is inside! I’m now looking at every cardboard box in a different light, assessing it’s potential for a new life!
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Great recycling idea M! Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Jxo
Oooh that looks delicious.
Love the gifting box.
Great idea and so beautifully executed! I think the tape stealers did you a favour the fabric tape is much prettier!
Excellent packaging solution 😀 Hope you fined the selotape eventually though 😉
I’m really going to try and bookmark this so that I actually remember this next Christmas! I know I would have been delighted with such a lovely gift 🙂
What an effective idea for making a box! Like you, I shall be looking at boxes in a new light!
Happy New Year.
Congrats on your win, Mary! 🙂
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