Sunday Stash

8 Dec

Did you cruise the online fabric stores on Black Friday and Cyber Monday?  Have you shared your booty?

I had a good look but nothing really tempted me and I felt great about not blowing money on fabric I didn’t ‘need’.  But then The Village Haberdashery had 25% off sale fabric and some fabrics ‘fell’ into my basket:


Ruby Star Sparkle cameras in 2 different colours – a metre of each

I am positive they will be great for something.


Ruby Star Sparkle – Ruby Stories, 1 metre

As above – great for something…

Last but not least a FQ of Modern Home Brick Wall by Jennifer Moore – I love this print and now wish I’d bought more, I think it could be used in so many projects.  And Uno Beaded Wave in Charcoal by Stof, a great low volume print for a project I hope to get underway next year.


Tomorrow is Sew Mama Sew giveaway day, I’ve got something special lined up so don’t forget to pop back…

Linking up with:

Sunday Stash

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6 Replies to “Sunday Stash

  1. Nice finds! I ignored all
    The sales but now I am kicking myself seeing everyone else’s purchases.

  2. Lovely! I have some FQs of that brick wall one in red, black, and white (various combinations of) and love them a lot. I didn’t know that print was still around!

  3. Noooo! I love the Village Haberdashery and I’m behind in my emails and blog reading so you’ve just alerted me to a sale I missed! I badly want to make a tablecloth from the Piper line they stock. I’ll have to hold off til the next sale. (stalks off in a grump!)

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