Catching Up

12 Jan

It seems to happen at this time of year, gifts were been made but not shared here, so time for a little bit of a catch up:

One of my nieces requested some particular drawing pens for her birthday which falls just before Christmas and I thought I’d make her a case to keep them in.  I had a tin of offcuts from making these blocks over 3 years ago:

WIP: Pieced Scrap Border QuiltThey were pretty small strips but too nice to throw away, I stitched them into a few panels.  I used one of them in making a heart shaped port hole, the linen is left over from a skirt I’ve been reusing:Untitled

It wasn’t as wonky as it looks – honest!

Early in 2015 I made a couple of quilts for Siblings Together using Parson Gray fabrics, I kept the scraps together in a bag and just before Christmas I decided that I could use them to make a cushion cover for my eldest brother; a couple of years ago I made him a quilt using the same fabrics so it will go with that.

12393993_1086822831327774_1289693533_nI very loosely used Molli Sparkles tutorial on string piecing without a foundation, not measuring or trimming any of the strips and it turned out ok: IMG_7661

I quilted in the ditch using Aurifil 2021.

IMG_7662And used some Amy Butler home decor weight scraps for the back and binding.

I used a pile of scraps too for this next gift for my son.  It was made using the one hour basket tutorial but obviously it took more than an hour to piece the panels! 12331483_1711063169139476_125649729_nAll the scraps are from things I’ve made him over the last 6 years!  So for me it’s also a memory basket, that orange space fabric is from a pair of big butt baby pants I made for him when he was about 10 months old!

I’m linking these up with:

Scraptastic Tuesday
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7 Replies to “Catching Up

  1. Lots of scrappy goodness. That pencil case was a brilliant way of using up tiny scraps. (I might steal that one day x)

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