At the beginning of December one of Tobits sisters commissioned me to make a soft book for a friend of hers who had just had a baby. I was happy to take it on but made it quite clear there was no way I could get it done before Christmas. I already had one on the go and a couple of other commissions to work on so it had to wait. A couple of days into the new year it was being to prick at my conscience so with 2 children back at school I was able to crack on and get it sewn, actually I think I did most of it while they were in their beds but anyway it is done!
I suggested last week that I was going to finish this book differently, I didn’t. The binding works like this, it’s quirky and I like it.
My machine struggled with the 10 layers of denim and 3 of wadding so much so that Tobit went off and did a bit of research on industrial sewing machines! It looks like my friend who has just had twins and given one of them a name 9 (I think) letters long won’t be getting a personalised soft book, there is no way I or my machine would cope! But, I do have a plan for a more ‘off the shelf’ book! I just need time to work on it!
Don’t forget to pop over to Very Berry Handmade tomorrow for the start of the fantastic giveaway.
Love the D, Mary – a bit of free motion embroidery?