I feel like I’ve been really productive this last week getting lots of things finished (some even started AND finished) you can probably guess that these things are not quilts!
In my WIP pile I have:
Hand binding of the Curious Nature plus quilt, I’ve been purposely leaving off doing more of this as we are due a visit from the electrician tomorrow and I’ll need something to do for a day while we are without power!
The hedgehog quilt had been put away for a couple of weeks due to priorities but yesterday I got it out again and did some more chain piecing.
Nearly there on the faces, Bethan was pleased to see it was back on my sewing table!
Linking up with:
The ST Parson Gray quilts from the other day looked wonderful and this is going to be equally as stunning. I love their lines. Well perhaps not the earth colour of Shaman but the blues/greys/greens are gorgeous and perfect male quilt material.
I thought those looked like some Hazel the Hedgehog eyes from the thumbnail on the link-up. Looking forward to seeing what she looks like in her entirety!
Chain piecing can be so satisfying!