Not really cold enough

4 Jan

I planned to make one hot water bottle cover and enjoyed the process so much I made 5! The idea was to make one for Mathias as his sisters have one and he doesn’t:

M's hot water bottle coverSo using Adrienne’s tutorial and a pile of flannel scraps from pyjama’s I’ve made for him I made a couple of quilted panels.  I used ugly fabric to line the cover as it’s never going to be seen but I lined the top bit (from the neck up) with flannel the same as the outside. L's hot water bottle cover

I did the same for Leah, although I managed to fussy cut an owl from the scraps from her pyjama’s.  For this one I quilted with a decorative stitch just because.

Bethan’s cover is made using leftover fabric from pyjama’s and an infinity scarf of hers:

B's hot water bottle cover

It was fun to include the selvedge and the word ‘Love’, I quilted this using a number of different decorative stitches on one side and a grid on the other:A bevy of bottle covers

I made one for my mum too and forgot to photograph it before gifting it, it’s not scrappy and made from Marmalade flannel with a star block on one side.

Lastly I made one for Tobit, using more flannel scraps, he actually bought the owl fabric on a trip to the US a few years ago

A bevy of bottle covers

Now I just need to make one for me, maybe I’ll manage that before the cold weather begins.  This was on my 4th quarter FAL-list so I’ll be linking up at Adrienne’s before it’s too late.

2015 Finish-Along
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