At the beginning of the quarter this was added to my list, it was just in need of basting, quilting and binding.

This has been gifted to one of my nieces in celebration of her 18th birthday, we spent a fair amount of time on the design and colour. I did have a distinct lack of yellow fabric in my stash but thanks to lovely members of my guild and a few IG folk I had some lovely donations to add to the yellows.

I quilted diagonal lines across the quilt at various distances; breaking up the regular pattern with irregular quilting.

I used a gorgeous brand new vintage sheet for the backing, it’s goes superbly with the blues on the front.

I used possibly the last of my quilt labels that I printed years ago and blanket stitched it to the back.

I think it’s two years until the next niece turns 18 so I can turn my hand to some other plans for a while.
Quilt stats:
Pattern: simple 9 patch drawn up on TouchDraw
Finished size: 69″ x 85″
Fabrics: Variety of blue and yellows
Backing fabric: Shower of Stars vintage sheet by Sears, Roebuck and Co, Chicago
Binding fabric: Grand Canal in yellow by Kate Spain for Moda
Quilted using Aurifil thread
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So pretty! My favorite colors and like the 9 patch design.