More vintage fabrics and some instant coffee?

29 Oct

Here’s an update on my latest finds:

Last week for the first time I went to the car boot sale ALONE!  Not really that exciting but it did mean I could just get up and go with a thermos cup of tea to sip on my way round.  It was still dark when I left home, the children were awake but certainly not interested in coming with me!





One sheet:

Stripey Vintage Sheet

I was out of the house for less than a hour and got back to Tobit making waffles for breakfast – another result!

I found 2 of these sheets in the charity shop this week:


This morning while the girls went with Tobit to have a look at the newly opened climbing centre I whizzed up to the post office with Mathias to send off the next soft book, of course a little look in the charity shops on the way back past couldn’t be resisted.

I’m not a fan of instant coffee, proper stuff of nothing thanks, but spotting a box of Kenco ‘goodies’ by the door of one shop I saw these:

Kenco Lanyards

Interesting; a number of lanyards…now who would want those and why?

Hmmm but look what is on them:

Kenco Lanyards and trigger clips

Trigger clips!  Yes please, I bought 18 of them!  I’ll be chopping them off and recycling the tape in the textiles bin and using the clips in bags and things…

I also found this double sheet which matches the pillowcase I found at the car boot sale!


Watch out for a giveaway coming soon and let me know what you’d like to win, vintage FQ’s? pencil wallet? baby bib? trigger clips?

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