Right time to review my list and see what I managed to achieve over the last 5 months encouraged by Sarah at Fairyface Designs.
1. Gift voucher for Pink Castle Fabrics duly spent (confession: I’ve not cut into any of the fabric I bought yet though).
Here are numbers 2, 3, 6 and 11 which I had completed by the mid term review back in January:
Number 4 on my list was to make a quilt for Leah, I had no idea at the time of writing that I would be able to proudly tick that off the list. I joined in the Oh My Stars quilt along late, it started in December and I discovered it mid January but jumped on board and got cutting. I finished the quilt just over a week ago and I am delighted with it:
5. Nintendo DS bag, little progress made on this, possibly due to the fact that it requires a fair bit of brain power!
6. Another tick, I bought Jeni’s drawstring bag pattern and have made a fair few of these, some for Tobi and some for me!
7. Tutorial for flower brooch – scrapped for now.
8. Soft books made for Christmas presents:
9. Etsy shop – progress made just not enough!
10. Christmas fairs done and thankfully a distant memory.
11. One Pinterest tutorial done – see above.
12. Not taken the on-line class – yet.
13. Vintage sheet quilt made see number 4!!
14. Christmas decorations done.
15. Used the Go! Baby a bit more, cutting binding, cut a stack of tumbler blocks for Emily who made a lovely cushion with them.
16. Sewing for Boys book, I’ve made good use of this:
So I feel I’ve done pretty well, I’ve done a few other things too!
I’ve joined in the Zakka Style sew along:
You might see a bit of a upcycling denim theme going on there!
I’ve also joined in making quilts for the Siblings Together project (if you’d like to help by donating to this project you can click on the button up there on the top right).
Made a name tag for swap partner for the FQ Retreat in June:
And a whole load of other stuff; pattern testing, tutorial writing, things for my children and ran a Dress A Girl Around the World evening :
Is it any wonder I’m tired! Thanks very much to Sarah for her motivation and encouragement!
Pretty productive winter there ;o)
Brilliant winter-stitchery!!
Ooh, what a brill list Mary! Love your boys sewing projects, and your stars quilt looks amazing! Thanks for taking part 🙂 x