Hopefully you’ve not had enough of hearing about Siblings Together. Today I have spent the morning backing and basting 2 quilts, but first I had to roll up a very big rug and clean the floor underneath it so that I could lay the fabric out on it.
The quilts I have been working on are:
This was made mainly with fabrics from Celtic Fusion Fabrics and some pieces that Jo had left from quilts she’s made.
Why not head over to the CFF blog where you can enter a raffle to win a bundle 16 FQ’s of fabric from their shop. Gwen’s other half is cycling from London to Bruges via Brussels (approx 360km) for the charity Brainwave. So for a minimum donation of £2.00 you could be a winner of a gorgeous pile of fabric.
This one is from fabric kindly sent by Jennifer.
Both quilts are being backed with a generous donation of fabric from Abakhan Fabrics. It came about after an email conversation I had with the wonderful Fiona at The Sewing Directory, she put me in touch with Will Abakhan who very kindly agreed to donate the fabric that I needed to back 4 quilts! To say I was delighted was an understatement, so I had a browse of their website and let Will know what fabrics I thought would be suitable and within a few days they arrived! Thank you very much to Abakhan for their support of Quilts for Siblings Together.
Now you may be interested to hear about a challenge set by Abakhan and Lily’s Quilts…
You head on over to Abakhan Fabrics and pick out £20 worth of anything that takes your eye. Leave a comment on the blog post saying what you would like to make using £20 worth of anything from Abakhan. eg. I would like to make a Jubilee tea cosy or I would like to make a patchwork Prince Philip. Five days from today, a winner will be chosen who will have one month to choose their booty from Abakhan, make something and write a tutorial. Will and Lynne are planning on making this a monthly feature so there will be other opportunities to win. The item can be anything at all – clothing, quilted or non quilted items – anything crafty at all really. This months theme is the Jubilee. So you don’t have to be a quilter or even be able to sew to enter a project idea! Get your thinking caps on quick.
Right I’m off to do some quilting bed!
Night night – a good day’s work x
Thye look great, think you deserve your bed now, sleep tight!