Sunday Stash #19

16 Nov

I meant to write a Sunday Stash post last week but a birthday and a head injury scuppered that plan, and Molli Sparkles was poorly too so there was no link up!

Anyway what I was going to share was this stunning piece of Shetland Flannel that I won from Imagine Gnats as part of #fabricpornfriday on instagram.


The colour is Ocean and I won 2 yards of it, Rachael emailed me to ask if I’d be happy with a piece that had been prewashed as she had come to the end of the bolt (don’t worry she has more back in stock now). I was more than happy with that as it meant I didn’t have to wash it myself.  Tobit chose the colour as I suggested that I would make him some pyjama bottoms with it, although I’m not sure there is quite enough fabric.

My other stash addition is yardage of Stars on red flannel from the Sasparilla collection by October Afternoon for Riley Blake:


Actually it’s not really a stash addition as I bought it to back my Christmas Swoon quilt, I finished the top yesterday so hope that I will be able to baste it this week.  I bought this from Prints to Polka Dots a UK fabric shop which I pleased to say has vastly improved it’s customer service since I last used them a few years ago.

What have you been stashing?  I’d love to see, I’m linking up with the recovering Molli Sparkles:

Molli Sparkles
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8 Replies to “Sunday Stash #19

  1. Funnily enough I was thinking of stashing some of the yellow flannel stars from Sasparilla to make Dan some PJ bottoms from. Hmmm, probably should do it before anyone else buys it! X

  2. Mmmmmm, that Shetland flannel looks soooo soft! Lucky t.

    Not heard of prints to polka dots before – they seem to have quite reasonable prices.

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