One of the team in my department at work was due to go on maternity leave at the beginning of February. I knew that she her mum and an aunt both sew and had made a number of things for her first child so I had a bit of a tricky time working out what she might find useful. I decided on a Divided Basket (pattern by Noodlehead) and using my stash of lovely Summersville by Lu Summers which in my opinion is brilliant for gender neutral projects.

I used webbing for the handles and stitched the fabric on to them, making them that bit more sturdy.

She knew immediately how useful it would be for stuffing full of nappies,wipes and all the other baby paraphernalia and how she could probably get her first child to carry it around for her!

The new mum came in to work this week to introduce us to her baby; he’s totally gorgeous, it was lovely to have a cuddle and then pass him back when he cried to let her know he was hungry.

I’ve done very little sewing this quarter so it is with delight that I’m ticking this off my list.
I love this! And you’re right: Summersville does have a great gender-neutral quality to it. I’m especially fond of how you used fabric as an accent on the webbing handles. Brilliant!