On holiday and still sewing

15 Jun

It’s the week of our family holiday, we’re staying in a beach chalet in Gwithian a few miles up the coast from St Ives in Cornwall, UK.  The school fete is on Saturday morning so i brought my sewing machine away with us to finish a few things off (and start some new projects if time allows).  So here’s a photo of me on Sunday evening enjoying the peace and quiet of 3 children asleep and the noise of the waves on the beach five minutes walk away.

The views from the chalet are amazing

and as I’m sat here there is another glorious sunset happening.

Today we went to Truro, not solely because I had discovered that there is a fabric shop there which claims to be the largest fabric shop in England.  It is quite huge and I had spied on their website a photograph which had Amy Butler fabrics in it so thought it must be worth a visit.  I was very restrained but did come away with some lovely pieces

I think this is my favourite:

It’s Hopscotch Girls at Play by David Walker Studios for FreeSpirit, not sure what I’ll use it for but right now that doesn’t matter!

Last week I managed to take a big chip out my mug which I’ve been using for the last 15 years or so, that mug therefore went in the bin and I said to Tobi that we might have to find a new one while on holiday.  (Are we possibly a bit special in that we have our own mugs?  It’s what happened in my family growing up we each had our own mug.)  Anyway today walking past a National Trust shop we spotted this mug and it was half price so I’ll see if it lasts as long!

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  1. Pingback: Big Butt Baby Pants (trousers) | mary emmens

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