Two more dresses!

20 Mar

I knew that I had another piece of fabric on the way from Courtney at Seamstar but I didn’t know she was sending two pieces!  So, when it arrived on Tuesday morning it went straight in the washing machine (always wash fabric before cutting and sewing is one of the rules my patience struggles with) and I mostly ironed it dry, such was my impatience I cut when it was still damp!

Here are the last two dresses (for now)

And here is a shot of all the dresses pegged out on a sunny day (hurrah spring is here!)

The sew-along hosted by LittleBigGirlStudio also had a giveaway for which you had one entry for every dress you made, I’d briefly read about this on Vanessa’s blog but hadn’t given it any thought.  So, imagine my surprise and delight when cruising my google reader list on Thursday night I read that my name (ok tobit’s flickr id) had been pulled out of the tin!

Not just one prize buts lots – I still can’t quite believe it.  Lots of sewing patterns which I could choose from the sponsors shops with the ‘help’ of my girls , so I we chose some fantastic patterns which then just arrive by email, no waiting around for the postman, just need to print them off and get sewing (except I have a commission that I have promised myself I will get done before I start on anything else (aghhhhhh)).  Gorgeous dress, shorts and top patterns  from So Tei Tei, lunch bag and art folio patterns from Gingercake and from Keyka Lou a zip clutch pattern!  See what I mean? Lots of patterns!  Oh yes and from Anna  at  Noodlehead her Run Around bag pattern!  My oh my when am I going to find the time to play with all of those?  I can’t wait.  My eldest girl mentioned a while ago that she needed a new lunch bag for school as Charlie and Lola is a bit babyish (that view didn’t stop her coming with me to the theatre with her little sister to see the live show though!) so that might be one of the first projects on my new list of things to make!

That’s not all…the other prizes are coming via the real live postal service so I will have to patiently wait for those, one of these is some fabric of my very own choosing from Pinked Fabrics, that was a hard decision and as with the patterns I asked the girls opinions which didn’t help in any way at all!  The other prizes looked fantastic too so I’ll show you when they arrive…

But the best thing is; over the week of the sew-along 220 (yes, two hundred and twenty) dresses were sewn around the world for the Dress a Girl Around the World.  Let me know if you’re in the UK and you fancy getting involved…

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